Saturday, December 24, 2011

Read Love Reviews: White Christmas Pie

White Christmas Pie by Wanda E. Brunstetter

Pub. Date: September 2008
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Format: Paperback, 300pp
Age Range: Adult
ISBN-13: 9781597899376
Source: Library

Synopsis from
Step into Amish country for this bittersweet holiday romance. Here you'll meet Will Henderson, a young man tortured by his past, and Karen Yoder, a young woman looking for answers. Add a desperate father searching for his son, and you have all the ingredients for a first-class romance that will inspire and enthrall.

My Review: 

White Christmas Pie is my first experience reading a Wanda Brunstetter book. I know that she has a good reputation for writing Amish Fiction, so I was excited when, on my way to the checkout, I saw this on a special display at the library. I snatched it up, added it to my pile, and went merrily on my way.

White Christmas Pie is a very easy read. While's it's not deep, its characters are not fleshed out, and the story is fairly predictable, I found the experience to be very comforting. Reading Christian fiction, particularly Amish Fiction, is a breath of fresh air. It's akin to watching Little House on the Prairie. People are simpler, life is gentler, and one is restored and refreshed for having spent a little time away from the world at large.

While there is nothing bad about the story, the fact that much of plot centers around contrivances and misunderstandings takes it down a notch. Still, this fact didn't take away from my enjoyment of the novel. I happily turned the pages to see Will, Karen, Regina, Mark, Frank, et al through to the end. I wanted a happy ending for them all and the author was kind enough to oblige.  

Christmas Pie could probably be shared by mother and daughter. I would imagine the novel is safe reading for anyone 12 or older. It's clean, positive, and uplifting. And though the story has its turmoil, it is never dark or weighty.  From what I've read on goodreads, this book is not necessarily on par with the rest of Brunstetter's other work, so don't be misled. I look forward to reading more by this author.


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